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CDA Eligibiltity

This form is not taking more submissions. If you want us to contact you about upcoming CDAs, please use the form here.

The basic information below is so that CCPN can plan for the next course. This does not register you for the course. After you click submit, you will be taken to the ECE PDO's full eligibility form. The ECE PDO requires everyone who would like to take CDA coursework to complete their full eligibility form. If you have already submitted this form, you do not need to submit again.

Select which class you're interested in

When you click "Submit" you will be taken to the ECE PDO's full eligibility form. Everyone must complete that form before they can enroll in the CDA class. Make sure you select "Child Care Professionals Network" on the first question of the form. If you have any questions about the form, or you have submitted it already and want a status update, email directly.

This form is not taking more submissions. If you want us to contact you about upcoming CDAs, please use the form here.
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